Lupin No Musume: Daughter of Thieves
4 min read
How is life for a daughter who comes from a family of generational phantom thieves?
12 Simple, Affordable, and Single-Friendly Romantic Ideas from Love Is Sweet
10 min read
No need to wine and dine in an expensive restaurant or to go to a ski trip to Switzerland, Love Is Sweet gives you ideas on how to create simple and affordable romantic moments. A must read whether you're single or in a relationship!
Perfect and Casual: A Hidden Gem
5 min read
Among hundreds of Chinese dramas released this year, Perfect and Casual can easily falls under the radar of drama watchers. However, this hidden gem sparkles with its beauty and simplicity.
Leh Game Rak: Playing Tricky Love Game
4 min read
How tricky do they play their love game here? Check out the reasons why everyone should give this drama a try!
Currently Watching: Lovers of the Red Sky
7 min read
This long-awaited historical Kdrama is not just a typical classic romantic sageuk. The fantasy element brings out its own uniqueness.
10 Most Popular Shows Round-up!
5 min read
Exciting things have been happening in the MDL Most Popular Shows list over the last month, so join me as I take a look at what has changed!